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Application of glass packaging

Packaging glass is widely used, both civil and military, especially in large-scale industrial equipment, aerospace systems, military defense systems with a lot of use. Specifically, it mainly has the following 3 aspects of the application:
1) used as a packaging material, such as pipe shell encapsulation, coating encapsulation, passivation film, etc.;
2) pure sealing material, which is used for sealing and connecting the ceramic, metal and glass materials;
3) added as a filler materials, electronic materials, in order to improve the performance of electronic components. Among them, the second aspects of the most prominent applications.
Glass can be used as the package material:
1) ceramic, ceramic seal, such as integrated circuit, high density magnetic head of the magnetic gap, silicon chip, base, sensor, MEMS, MOEMS, etc.;
2) metal sealing, such as electric heating element, household electric appliance, etc.;
3) glass a glass sealing, such as the color picture tube screen cone, etc.;
4) glass a metal sealing, such as the insulation, reliability and air tightness of the requirements of high power vacuum devices, aerospace relay, McM module, etc..

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